The Sleeper and the Spindle

9781408859643 - Inbunden (Hardback) -

The Sleeper and the Spindle
The Sleeper and the Spindle - Thumb 1The Sleeper and the Spindle - Thumb 2The Sleeper and the Spindle - Thumb 3The Sleeper and the Spindle - Thumb 4The Sleeper and the Spindle - Thumb 5The Sleeper and the Spindle - Thumb 6The Sleeper and the Spindle - Thumb 7
  • Bokinformation
  • Titel The Sleeper and the Spindle 
  • Författare Neil Gaiman 
  • Förlag Bloomsbury Childrens Books 
  • ISBN-13 9781408859643 
  • Format Inbunden (Hardback) 
  • Språk Engelska 
  • Utgivning 2014-10-23 
  • Sidor 72 
  • Storlek 246 x 187 x 11 mm 
  • Vikt 406 g 
  • Illustratör Chris Riddell 
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A thrillingly reimagined fairy tale from the truly magical combination of author Neil Gaiman and illustrator Chris Riddell - weaving together a sort-of Snow White and an almost Sleeping Beauty with a thread of dark magic, which will hold readers spellbound from start to finish. On the eve of her wedding, a young queen sets out to rescue a princess from an enchantment. She casts aside her fine wedding clothes, takes her chain mail and her sword and follows her brave dwarf retainers into the tunnels under the mountain towards the sleeping kingdom. This queen will decide her own future - and the princess who needs rescuing is not quite what she seems. Twisting together the familiar and the new, this perfectly delicious, captivating and darkly funny tale shows its creators at the peak of their talents. Lavishly produced, packed with glorious Chris Riddell illustrations enhanced with metallic ink, this is a spectacular and magical gift. Shortlisted for The CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal 2016