The Crystal City

9780812564624 - Pocket -

The Crystal City
The Crystal City - Thumb 1The Crystal City - Thumb 2
  • Bokinformation
  • Titel The Crystal City 
  • Författare Orson Scott Card 
  • Serie Tales of Alvin Maker 
  • Del 6 av 7 
  • Förlag Tor Fantasy 
  • ISBN-13 9780812564624 
  • Format Pocket 
  • Språk Engelska 
  • Utgivning 2004 
  • Sidor 340 
  • Storlek 174x105x23mm 
  • Vikt 166g 
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Alvin has been trying to avert the terrible war that his wife, Peggy, a torch of extraordinary power, has seen down the life-lines of every American. Now she has sent him down the Mizzippy to the city of New Orleans, or Nueva Barcelona as they call it under Spanish occupation. Alvin doesn't know exactly why he's there, but when he and his brother-in-law, Arthur Stuart, find lodgings with a family of abolitionists who know Peggy, he suspects he'll find out soon.

But Nueva Barcelona is about to experience a plague, and Alvin's efforts to protect his friends by keeping them healthy will create more danger than he could ever have suspected. And in saving the poor people of the city, Alvin will be put to the greatest test of his life---a test that will draw on all his power. For the time has come for him to turn to his old friend Tenskwa-Tawa, the Red Prophet who controls the lands to the west of the Mizzippy. Now Alvin must take the first steps on the road to the Crystal City that was shown to him in a vision so long ago.