Children of the mind

9781857239546 - Häftad (paperback) -

Children of the mind
Children of the mind - Thumb 1Children of the mind - Thumb 2
  • Bokinformation
  • Titel Children of the mind 
  • Författare Orson Scott Card 
  • Serie the Ender saga 
  • Del 4 av 20 
  • Förlag Orbit  
  • ISBN-13 9781857239546 
  • Format Häftad (paperback) 
  • Språk Engelska 
  • Utgivning 1999-12-01 
  • Sidor 400 
  • Storlek 170 x 100 x 20 mm 
  • Vikt 220 g 
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The Starways Congress has gathered a fleet to destroy the planet Lusitania. Once again the human race has grown fearful.

Jane, the evolved computer intelligence, can save the world's three sentient races. She has learned how to move ships outside the universe, and then instantly back to a different world, abolishing the light-speed limit. But it takes all the processing power available to her. With the Starways Congress shutting down the Net, world by world, soon Jane will not be able to move the ships. Ender's children must save her if they are to save themselves.

'The Ender saga stands as one of the very few serious moral tales set among the stars enthralling ... an extraordinarily talented author. ' - The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction

'Every volume of the Ender saga comprises some of the most hauntingly brilliant writing of the decade' - Interzone
The planet Lusitania is home to three sentient species: the Pequeninos; a large colony of humans; and the Hive Queen, brought there by Ender. But once again the human race has grown fearful; the Starways Congress has gathered a fleet to destroy Lusitania. Jane, the evolved computer intelligence, can save the three sentient races of Lusitania. She has learned how to move ships outside the universe, and then instantly back to a different world, abolishing the light-speed limit. But it takes all the processing power available to her, and the Starways Congress is shutting down the Net, world by world. Soon Jane will not be able to move the ships. Ender's children must save her if they are to save themselves.