The Wayfarer Redemption

9780312877170 - Inbunden -

The Wayfarer Redemption
The Wayfarer Redemption - Thumb 1The Wayfarer Redemption - Thumb 2The Wayfarer Redemption - Thumb 3The Wayfarer Redemption - Thumb 4The Wayfarer Redemption - Thumb 5
  • Bokinformation
  • Titel The Wayfarer Redemption 
  • Författare Sara Douglass 
  • Serie The Wayfarer Redemption 
  • Del 1 av 3 
  • Förlag Tor Books 
  • ISBN-13 9780312877170 
  • Format Inbunden (Hardback) 
  • Språk Engelska 
  • Utgivning 2001 
  • Sidor 445 
  • Storlek 240x160x35mm 
  • Vikt 718h 
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At another time in the distant land of Achar, the Charites lived a prosperous life protected by vast and insurmountable mountains to the North. Duke Borneheld governed their land and upheld the teachings of the Senechal and Artor the Ploughman.

But before the Acharites inhabited their land, according to lore, it was ruled by the Forbidden Ones. A millennia-old prophecy was given when the Forbidden Ones were driven from Achar. And now, the Acharites witness its manifestation: Achar is under attack by an evil lord from the North, Gorgreal. His ice demons strike from the sky and kill hundreds of brave warriors in the blink of an eye.

All Acharites believe the end is near.
One young woman, Faraday, betrothed of Duke Borneheld, learns that all she has been told about her people's history is untrue. While fleeing to safety from the dangerous land, Faraday rides with Axis, legendary leader of the Axe-Wielders and hated half-brother of Borneheld—and a man Faraday secretly loves although it would be death to admit it.

Leaving the safe company of Borneheld and Axis, Faraday embarks on a journey that will change her life forever. Not only fighting against the atrocities inflicted by a distortion of her land's history, but also fighting for one man's love.

This grand and heroic story tells the tale of one woman's struggle to learn the truth of her people and change their hearts and their minds forever. She fights against oppressive forces to share this reality and will not desist until everyone knows ... the truth of the Star Gate.